
What Are The Best Crystals for Fertility?

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Fertility refers to the ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term. For many people, fertility is a critical aspect of their lives, and they may go to great lengths to try to increase their chances of conceiving.

One approach that some people use to promote fertility is the use of crystals. Crystals are believed to have energetic properties that can help to balance and harmonize the body’s natural energies, which can in turn promote fertility.

If you are interested in using crystals to boost your fertility, here are the top five crystals that are believed to be most effective:


Moonstone is a beautiful, translucent crystal that is known for its calming, nurturing energy. It is often associated with the female reproductive system and is believed to help regulate the menstrual cycle, making it an excellent choice for women who are trying to conceive.

Moonstone is also said to be helpful for men who are trying to boost their fertility. It is believed to help balance the hormones and promote healthy sperm production.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a type of quartz that is known for its soft, pink color. It is often associated with love, fertility, and pregnancy, making it an excellent choice for anyone trying to conceive.

Rose quartz is believed to have a nurturing energy that can help to balance the reproductive system and promote fertility. It is also thought to help open the heart chakra, which can help to increase feelings of love and self-acceptance.


Aquamarine is a beautiful, blue-green crystal that is associated with the ocean. It is known for its calming energy and is often used to help reduce stress and anxiety.

When it comes to fertility, aquamarine is believed to help regulate the menstrual cycle and promote healthy ovulation. It is also thought to be helpful for men, as it is believed to promote healthy sperm production.


Carnelian is a type of orange-red crystal that is known for its vibrant energy. It is believed to be helpful for both men and women when it comes to fertility.

For women, carnelian is believed to help regulate the menstrual cycle and promote healthy ovulation. For men, it is believed to help boost sperm production and increase libido.


Citrine is a sunny, yellow-orange crystal that is known for its uplifting energy. It is believed to be helpful for both men and women when it comes to fertility.

For women, citrine is believed to help regulate the menstrual cycle and promote healthy ovulation. For men, it is believed to help boost sperm production and increase libido.

How to Use Crystals for Fertility

If you are interested in using crystals to promote fertility, here are a few tips on how to get started:

  1. Cleanse the crystals: Before you start using your crystals, it is important to cleanse them. This helps to remove any negative energies that may have become attached to the crystals. You can cleanse your crystals by placing them in a bowl of saltwater for a few hours, burying them in the earth for a day or two, or smudging them with sage smoke.
  2. Program the crystals with your intention: Once your crystals are cleansed, it is important to set your intention for them. This helps to focus the energy of the crystals on your specific goal. To program your crystals, hold them in your hands and visualize your intention for them.
  3. Carry the crystals with you: You can carry your crystals with you throughout the day to help keep their energy close to you. This can be especially helpful if you are trying to use the crystals to regulate your menstrual cycle or promote healthy ovulation. You can carry the crystals in your pocket, in a small bag, or even wear them as jewelry.
  4. Place the crystals in your bedroom or home: You can also place your crystals in your bedroom or around your home to help promote fertility. For example, you can place a moonstone or rose quartz under your pillow to help regulate your menstrual cycle or promote healthy ovulation. You can also place a carnelian or citrine near your bed to help boost sperm production or increase libido.


In conclusion, if you are trying to boost your fertility, using crystals can be a natural, holistic approach that may help to promote fertility. The top crystals for fertility include moonstone, rose quartz, aquamarine, carnelian, and citrine. To get the most benefit from your crystals, be sure to cleanse them, program them with your intention, carry them with you, and place them in your bedroom or home. While crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment, they may be a helpful complementary therapy for those trying to increase their fertility.

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